“On the Road with Suzy: From Cat to Companion” is a delightful memoir chronicling a woman and her beloved cat Suzy who becomes not just a pet, but a true companion. From the first day Suzy enters the lives of Aleksandra and her husband Norman she makes an impact with her tortoise-shell long-haired fur and huge amber eyes. Little do Aleksandra and Norman know that they would soon be trying...
A history of 1061 days of failures and a path to success.
This book is my story. It's about success, the road to it; there's a bit of theory. But mostly, it's about practice - how, in 158 days (the title 5 months and five days), I changed my life and lost 50.5 kg.
A hilarious picture of Pawel Jaronski is circulating the web - a doctor diagnosing a patient, saying, "You are fat. Please don't be...
Nie trać gruntu pod nogami, kiedy życie cię przytłacza!
Czy stres zbyt często utrudnia ci życie, powoduje wypalenie i odbiera radość? Czy masz skłonności do popadania z obsesję, nadmiernego rozmyślania o wyzwaniach i przeciwnościach? Dowiedz się, jak na co dzień uporać się z intensywnymi emocjami i trudnymi sytuacjami. Jak zaakceptować to, co czujesz, i pójść naprzód. Jak radzić sobie ze stresem...